I just about have the gallery ready for
First Friday, Austin Highlights. It will be a special show with work by Regina Burchett, Johanne Morin and Jan Weaver. I still need to straighten up a bit tomorrow and put up some more tags, tablecloth, etc. Remember I will pay your sales tax for the month of December. That is almost a 10% savings.
The gallery is looking good.
Front window. |
Other side of window. |
Featured Artist wall, Johanne's and Regina's work. |
Jan's lino cuts on the right. |
Judy Hawe's jewelry and my "Jo's Notions" ( small paintings) |
Another shelf, prints and window. |
Johanne's work. |
My wall. |
Regina's work. |
Out the window. |
I hope you can come by Friday night. It will be a lot of fun. You can meet the artists, see and buy their work and enjoy refreshments with us.
Here is my artist tip for the day, check out
Desmond O'Hagan's video, An Urban View. I had a
workshop with him . I learned so much, although I do not paint anywhere near style. He does a type of under painting with dark colors and paints on regular pastel paper, not sanded. Very nice work. I try to keep his painting tips in mind.
Looking good, Mom!
Joanna, thank you. :)
It does look great Jo. I really like your studio "tours" - it makes me feel like I know it - and wish I could come visit!
I hope it's a good year for you and all of the other artists!
Hi, Jo, I had hoped to make this First Friday at last, but we have a date with friends to attend a holiday party... (:-( Your studio looks awesome, and I DO plan to visit it soon. Good luck Friday to you and Jan, Johanne, and Regina!
Jo - You did a great job - very nice display on all pieces! Can't wait for the show.
Looks wonderful Jo, and I am sure the public will love it also.
Good luck for the Season, hope you sell bunches girls.
Your gallery looks AMAZING!!! Hope the show goes great...wish I could be there!
You look plumb pro fessional! Good luck with your show.
Bag Blog, thank you. I don't have to worry what the "members" might want different. Ha. Wish you were here to do it for me. :) You have the experience.
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