I worked on the pastel painting again. (scroll down to see yesterdays image or
click here to open in a new window) I will post the better photo I took today of the start. I only took one other photo before I got to the point for the painting to sit a while and simmer to see if it is finished.

Again, this is the beginning. I put pastel on the used Pastelbord and brushed it with water. On a large painting this is helpful to save pastels.

Usually I work all over a painting, but on this one, I fell back on the way I do oil paintings. In oil painting I start with the sky and work forward. I worked at filling in the background and middle ground.

This is the simmering point. I'm not sure I want so much detail in the foreground grass. It probably takes away from the houses. The painting is simmering until I decide.

I also looked at it in black and white. Again you see the grass is the lightest part and probably shouldn't be that way. Hmmmm.
I am pleased, over all, with the theme and colors. I will see how I feel tomorrow.
We golfed again this morning and I took another photo of crepe myrtles.

These are near the tee box on number eight hole and are groomed by the groundskeepers. I imagine they get more water than the ones I photographed yesterday. The blooms are thicker.
Here is a blog I follow because I love food. I don't cook much anymore, so haven't tried the recipes. The recipes are presented with photos of the ingredients, the mixing and the finished products. All of the finished recipes just look beautiful and sound good. You will enjoy visiting the Crepes of Wrath.
http://thecrepesofwrath.wordpress.com/I think
Joanna sent this to me and I sent it to Jennie as she is cooking more and trying new things.
Very nic Jo. Really good work. I like the way my eyes stay and wander around the painting.
Thanks for the link to the recipes. I don't like cooking much any more but sure would like to taste some of those. I wonder If I can go and stay at her house and eat for a month? Oh well I couldn't stand to have any more weight hang on. You did have to send it the day she posted double chunk chocolate muffins. Now I'm hungry for some. lol
Donna, thank you so much. I still think I will simplify the foreground. Should draw attention to the old houses.
Jeanne, boy I know what you mean. The sweets don't do much for me, I like the look of the Korean ribs in the crock pot!
Jo, this is a lovely painting! I really like it.
Thank you so much, Rose! Later.....
Wow, you did lots of work on the homestead painting, and it looks great. That hand sketch looks like some that I have done. Maybe I will try the foot next time.
Bag Blog, thank you. The Scavenger Hunts are good for getting me to sketch things I never would otherwise. If I don't do that I occasionally sketch a landscape...
What a gorgeous painting Jo! Loved seeing the WIP
Thank you Paula. I have changed it some .. I can't get the exact feel to it that I want. Sigh....
Jo: That is a beautiful landscape.
fishing guy, thank you so much. Still working on it. Almost done.
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