Happy Birthday Joanna!
We talked to Joanna to say Happy Birthday a short time ago and I realized I hadn't put up a post for her birthday. It is such a special day for us as Joanna is the first born. She will be out later to have a little more celebration and help us get ready for our trip. We had her big party last Saturday as Larry couldn't be here today.
Joanna is our right hand when we are away from home. She has taken care of our house since 1989 when we went to Bolivia the last time. She went through a lot with the homeowners association where we lived in Austin. She is a caregiver and takes care of all us old folks! We love her and hope she has a super day!
Happy Fourth of July!
Hope all of you have a great day and remember how wonderful our country is and thank all the troops, policemen, firemen and others who put their lives on the line for all of us every day so we can let freedom ring.

Jennie loves to come to Bastrop for the fireworks. They have them here either before or after the fourth so that the Austin Symphonic Band can come play. This year it is on the fifth and we will be gone. So here are a few memories for Jennie. Joanna is posting some photos, too, check them out.
Wow. That sure is a fancy photo! Are you sure it's me???? Too funny. Thanks for the post. I just finished messing with my fireworks post. I had way too many photos to choose from. See you in a bit...
I love you. Thanks for everything. See ya.
Happy Birthday, Joanna!
Thanks, Susan. I'm sure Joanna will see this. Hugs.
Happy 4th to you and your family Jo!
Hope it was a great day. :)
Joe: Very nicely done with the post and a Happy 4th to you and Gene.
Happy Birthday Joanna.
Kasie, fishing guy and JeanneG. Thanks from all and hope your 4th was excellent!
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